High-Quality Judaica – Tefillin, Mezuzot & Parchment Art


מוצרי סת”ם


Quality & Endorsements, endorsed by Rav Ron Chaya, is committed to providing the highest quality Judaica while ensuring fair pricing aligned with the Israeli market.

Our expert scribe, Daniel Malka, earned his certification at the prestigious Michmeret STAM Institute, guaranteeing authenticity and excellence in every sacred parchment

buy rabenou tam tefillin offers Tefillin, Mezuzot, Megillot, Pitum Haketoret as well as all the holy writings on parchment.


Sofer STAM from Our Workshop

Rav Daniel Malka

Endorsements from Rav Ron Chaya

ארט יודאיקה

mezuzot also offers an Judaica Art section composed of a multitude of illustrated holy texts. All our products are made on real parchment of very good quality.

birkat haessek

Whether you are looking for a ketouba (marriage contract), a birkat haBayit (blessing for the home), a birkat haEssek (blessing for the professional activity), an eshet ‘hail, or other holy texts, we will be happy to offer you our full range of  Judaica Art products.

Last articles

ashkenazi tefillin boxes

The Importance of Rabbeinu Tam’s Tefillin

Order of the Scrolls According to the Rishonim In Jewish tradition, there is a divergence of opinions among the medieval scholars known as Rishonim regarding the arrangement of the scrolls within the tefillin boxes. Two major opinions stand out: those of Rashi and...

Is it Permitted to Purchase Tefillin with Maasser Funds?

Is it Permitted to Purchase Tefillin with Maasser Funds? Halachic authorities, including the Levush (Chapter 249, Section 1), the Nachalat Shiva (Chapter 8), and the Shut Bet Din Shel Shlomo (Yoreh Deah, Chapter 1), have unanimously ruled that it is forbidden to use...

Should a Mezuzah Be Affixed to a Balcony or Terrace Door?

The Yalkut Yosef 285/32 states that the obligation to affix a mezuzah on a balcony depends on two specific criteria. If the balcony has a roof and a minimum area of two meters by two meters, it is mandatory to place a mezuzah on the door leading to it. ...

